[New Republic] WHEN THE CONCESSION agreement with APM Terminal singed in 2010 by the Ellen Johnson government, only few people opposed it on grounds that it was not in the interest of the country and there was a need to go through it carefully.
[The Point] Askia Muhammed Sillah, the initiator of the Kunu Joyeh Street Road in Faji Kunda has provided clarification on the road project which their Ward Councillor and council are taking credit for.
/by The Point[The Herald] First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa has appealed to financial institutions to provide cheap and affordable loans to women in the construction sector or women led companies as they are known to possess the qualities of sincerity, accountability perseverance, hard work as well as being corruption averse.
/by The Herald[Ethiopian Herald] The African continent appears to be confronted with a plethora of problems and multifaceted challenges, ranging from peace, security, and stability to low economic and social development, the intensification of extremism and fundamentalism, as well as climate-related challenges. In this regard, it has become a matter of concern for both the international community and the African leaders. Hence, such growing concerns have become the driving forces behind the slogan "African solutions to African proble
/by Ethiopian Herald[Ethiopian Herald] The Ethiopian diaspora residing in the United States and Europe have been gravely concerned about the external pressures on the Ethiopian internal affairs and the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). As the pressures increased, they added their efforts and carried on a webinar discussion on the current situation in Ethiopia that was held under the coordination of Ethiopian Diaspora members residing in US and Europe on May 11. The discussion in the United States was held under the coo
/by Ethiopian Herald[Ethiopian Herald] ADDIS ABABA - Ethiopia is optimistic of a swift resumption of the African Union (AU) -led Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) talks and called on the international community to support AU in its effort of breaking deadlock on the dam. Delivering a keynote speech at webinar on Thursday Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, Demeke Mekonnen said that Ethiopia's conviction is on the principle of finding African solutions to African problems. "It has confidence in the role of the AU in fac
/by Ethiopian Herald[AIM] Maputo -- Mozambique needs 800 million US dollars every year to guarantee maintenance and paving of the national road network, according to the Minister of Public works, Joao Machatine.
/by AIM[AIM] Maputo -- The Mozambican government announced on Thursday that work on the Mpanda Nkuwa hydroelectric dam on the Zambezi river, in the western province of Tete, will begin in 2024.
/by AIM[Radio Dabanga] Khartoum -- The long-running dispute between the governments of Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt over the building, filling, and operating of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is raising serious concerns about the impact of the Africa's largest hydroelectric power plant on Sudan and Egypt. In an urgent statement yesterday, 22 NGOs warned for military confrontations between the three countries.
/by Radio Dabanga[FrontPageAfrica] Monrovia -- Progress is being made on a new state-of-the-art clinic in the Thinker Village community being constructed by a Liberian residing in the United States of America, Miss Patricia Verdier.
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