[Egypt Online] President Abdel Fattah El Sisi asserted Saturday 04/09/2021 the urgent need to reach a legally binding agreement on the rules of filling and operating the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).
[Daily News] THE government has dished out 2.27bn/- to Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA) for implementation of nine road projects in Sumbawanga Municipality, Rukwa region in 2021/2022 financial year.
[Nyasa Times] Lotus Africa Limited has constructed and donated roadblock worth K 4 million to Karonga Police as one way of ending human trafficking and road accidents.
[New Era] John Muyamba
[Nyasa Times] The National Construction Industry Council (NCIC) has issued stop orders against selected construction projects spread in a number of districts across the country.
[Capital FM] Nairobi -- Safaricom Foundation has injected Kshs 3.6 million into the renovation of an outpatient wing for maternity services at Rironi Health Centre in Kiambu county.
[ANGOP] Luanda -- Public oil company Sonangol E.P signed on Thursday, in Luanda, three contracts for the construction of the Barra do Dande Oceanic Terminal (TOBD), whose works in the first phase are scheduled to end in 2022.
[SAnews.gov.za] The Western Cape Department of Human Settlements has encouraged women in the construction industry to take part in the Contractors' Framework that is geared towards attracting construction companies that have a 51% and more women ownership.
[Capital FM] Nairobi -- Salabani Primary School, which was destroyed by floods in Baringo County earlier this year has received a new lease of life after ChildFund Kenya moved in to rehabilitate it.