[New Dawn] -Senate requests
[Ghanaian Times] Ebusua Dwarfs FC will play its upcoming Ghana Premier League and MTN FA Cup home matches at the Nduom Sports Complex in Elmina.
/by Ghanaian Times[Egypt Online] Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Mohamed Abdel Ati met on Wednesday 5/5/2021 US diplomat Jeffrey Feltman, the special American envoy for the Horn of Africa.
/by Egypt Online[Daily News] THE government is looking forward to build a total of 1000 secondary schools across the country in an effort to ensure that every ward has access to such level of education.
/by Daily News[FrontPageAfrica] Monrovia -- Residents on Chessman Avenue, between 17 to 18 Streets in Sinkor, Monrovia will continuously have sleepless nights whenever there is a divulge - the main drainage has been built upon blocking the waterway.
/by FrontPageAfrica[FrontPageAfrica] Monrovia -- A local humanitarian and non-for-profit organization named and styled the Kolu Sokodolo Children Foundation (KSCF) has constructed and officially hand over a two-bedroom furnished concrete house to an 80-year old woman in the Township of Johnsonville, outside Monrovia, with a call on government and others to intensify efforts to help dignify the living conditions and address challenges confronting aging Liberian citizens across the country.
/by FrontPageAfrica[Daily Trust] The chairman of the Abuja chapter of the Real Estate Developers Association of Nigeria (REDAN), Osilama Emmanuel Osilama, says reduction in cement price will help developers to deliver affordable houses to Nigerians.
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