[This Day] The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has released the framework for the implementation of Family Homes Financing Initiative (FHFI), which is targeted at providing 300,000 homes across the 36 states of the country.
[Daily News] CONSTRUCTION of Uhuru Hospital in Chamwino District, Dodoma Region, has been completed by 87 per cent after the government fulfilled its commitment of injecting 2.3bn/- into the project.
[Ghanaian Times] Ghana's premier farm resort, Konkon Wonderland, is set to add new sports arena to the list of entertainment facilities for the comfort of its guests.
[Ethiopian Herald] The Government of Qatar would invest in the construction of extensive mixed-use buildings in Addis Ababa that are primarily used to hotel and residence purposes, according to Ethiopia's Ambassador to that country.
[New Times] The words 'green buildings'are hard to miss duringtalks and projections of the ideal City of Kigali in coming years. What would it take to actualize the projections and plans?
[FrontPageAfrica] Monrovia -- The Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Good Governance and Government Reform, Larry P. Younquoi, has termed as a "milking cow" the consistent allocation of monies in the National Budget for the renovation of the Executive Mansion to benefit "people in high places" at the detriment of poor Liberian tax payers.
[This Day] Buildings are like humans, they age and become decrepit if unattended to adequately. They can also become desolate even at infancy for lack of care, giving their owners pain and distress from accumulated maintenance cost. This ugly situation can be mitigated, the Managing Director, James Cubitt Facility Managers, Mrs. Gbadunade Ogunleye, tells Bennett Oghifo. She also talks about remedy in proper education for growth in the industry
[Citizen] Dodoma -- The construction of the Uhuru Hospital in Chamwino District, Dodoma region has been completed by 87 percent after the government fulfilled its commitment of directing Sh2.3 billion towards the construction of the health facility.
[Premium Times] The roads in Lokoja township, the capital of Kogi State, North Central Nigeria, is littered with potholes and in a state of general disrepair despite the state government's disbursement of billions of naira in 2017 and 2018 for road repairs and construction in the town.