Entries by Daily News

Tanzania: Massive Boost for Education in Longido

[Daily News] A total of 50 satellite schools and 12 classrooms for secondary schools have been constructed in Longido District, Arusha region at the cost of 1bn/- under the National COVID-19 Response Plan (NCRP) after securing funds from the Internatio...

Tanzania: Bukoba Port Set for Major Rehabilitation

[Daily News] THE Bukoba Port will undergo major rehabilitation to make it one among the modern ports with capacity to accommodate larger marine vessels, it has been disclosed. Bukoba Port Manager, Mr Denice Mapunda told the 'Daily News' in an interview...

Tanzania: PM Applauds Classrooms Construction Progress

[Daily News] jaliwa has shown satisfaction with the progress made in the construction of classrooms through development funds issued out to Lindi Region. Mr Majaliwa expressed this on Tuesday while addressing regional officials at Nachingwea Airport sh...